Benefits of Cataract Surgery

Young man with older man with a background of vivid colors

If your eye doctor has determined that you have cataracts, you may be dealing with the everyday implications of this condition. These can include having trouble driving, difficulty distinguishing certain colors, or seeing a ring of light (a halo) around objects in your surroundings. If you are experiencing these vision challenges, you may be considering cataract surgery, and you might be wondering how you’ll know when it’s the right time. Because surgery is the only proven and long-term treatment available for this condition, it is not a question of “if,” but “when.”
Like every procedure or surgery, your eye surgeon will be your best source of information and guidance when it comes to preparation and knowledge. Here at Medical Eye Center, we are passionate about early detection and helping guide patients through knowing when surgery is right for them.

Besides improved vision, we want to share some unexpected benefits you can experience by undergoing one of the most common eye surgeries:

-Surgery can result in seeing clear and bright spectrums of color: Under normal circumstances of aging, the eye can undergo changes that affect long-range and near vision, but the color spectrum remains relatively unchanged. However, with cataracts, the patient often doesn’t notice how much of the color spectrum they have lost until after surgery. This is why many patients report seeing a much brighter and more beautiful range of colors when their recovery is complete. The Mayo Clinic reports that a lens with a cataract is often tinted yellow or brown, which skews the perception of color in the patient until it is replaced with a new, clear lens.

Cataract surgery can reduce the risk for falls in the elderly: Vision problems are one of the leading causes of falls among people over the age of 65, and cataracts add a challenging dimension to the natural process of eye aging. A 2012 study of Medicare patients in this age range researched the instances of elderly patients who had cataracts, and their rate of falls and fractures. This study found that patients who underwent cataract surgery had a lowered risk of falls and fractures, which is significant since the average cataract patient has a median age of 67. Knowing that this surgery can help alleviate this concern is an added benefit to improving your vision.

-Having cataract surgery can prevent additional complications: When your eye doctor advises you to have surgery, it’s important to consider the positive impact on your eye health as a whole. Many patients who have cataracts that are left untreated also experience an increase in inflammation within their eye, and if the cataracts are left too long, they can progress into a stage called “hyper-mature.” At this stage of cataracts, the surgery can still be done but has a higher risk of complications. This is why it’s so important to speak with your eye doctor as soon as you begin having any of the symptoms of cataracts.

You can be a safer driver: Because driving demands so much attention to detail, cataracts can become a safety concern on the road. If you feel nervous about driving because of changes to your vision as you age, it is best to consult your eye doctor right away. Having surgery can give you peace of mind, and the results can be life-changing (and life-saving for others who are sharing the road with you). At the 2019 conference for the American Academy of Ophthalmology, research was presented that showed a simulation of driving before and after cataract surgery. The number of close and actual crashes dropped by an impressive 48% after surgery, showing what a drastic difference the surgery can make in patients who want to retain the freedom of driving independently.

Living with cataracts can feel challenging, but you don’t have to deal with the changes in your vision alone…at Medical Eye Center, our compassionate team has performed over 17,000 cataract procedures. This experience and breadth of knowledge have given us insight into the everyday challenges of patients who have cataracts. It has also shown us what a drastic difference this life-changing surgery can have on those who undergo it. If you think it may be time to be assessed for cataracts, now is the right time to consult with our empathetic team, and have peace of mind about your future. Give us a call today at 541-779-4711 to start seeing the world differently.

Please note that the above information is intended to be observed as guidelines and is not intended to be a substitute for or construed as informed medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a medical professional with any questions you may have regarding eye health. 


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