Eyelid Inflammation (blepharitis)
A common disorder that causes inflammation of the eyelids, particularly at the lid edges. Blepharitis may affect the interior or exterior eyelid.
Eyelid Inflammation (blepharitis) Overview
Symptoms of Eyelid Inflammation
- Eye irritation
- Burning
- Tearing
- Foreign body sensation
- Crusty debris
- Dryness
- Redness
Possible Causes of Eyelid Inflammation
- A low-grade bacterial infection
- A generalized skin condition such as acne rosacea or scalp dandruff
- Problems with the oil glands of the eyelid
Treatment of Eyelid Inflammation
- Applying warm compresses to the lids
- Using a topical or oral antibiotic
- Massaging the lids to remove excess oils
- Using artificial tears or lubricating ointments
- Silicone punctal plugs that stop tears from draining to keep eyes moist