
Glaucoma Symptoms Defined

Wondering what the symptoms of glaucoma might be?  Not sure if you might be suffering from this condition?  Glaucoma symptoms can include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Poor night vision
  • Blind spots
  • Trouble focusing on objects that are close to your eyes
  • Halos or rainbows around lights at night
  • Loss of peripheral vision

If you have any questions about glaucoma symptoms or are wondering if you might have glaucoma, please contact Medical Eye Center in Medford at www.medicaleyecenter.com or 541-779-4711 to schedule an eye exam.


Living with Low Vision – Tips and Resources

Low vision is characterized by a significant loss of visual acuity that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. It’s a condition that can make everyday tasks challenging, even with traditional vision aids. People

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