
Intraocular Lens Options

Cataract surgery is a common procedure and is performed thousands of times in the United States each year.  During the surgery, the cataract is removed and an intraocular lens is inserted. What many people may not be aware of is the many options available in intraocular lenses.

An intraocular lens is an implant that is similar to a small, soft contact lens.  The implanted lens contains an optical prescription that is matched to you in the same way that prescription eyeglasses are customized to you.

The standard intraocular lens is designed to improve vision to the level it was before the cataract developed.  A presbyopia lens is designed to aid in focusing on near objects.  Intraocular lenses are also available in multifocal, monofocal, toric and other premium levels of functioning.

For detailed information on the best lens options for you, please schedule a consultation with the experts at Medical Eye Center in Medford at www.medicaleyecenter.com or 541-779-4711.


The Link Between Eyesight Issues & Migraines

Migraines—just the word itself can conjure up dread for those who suffer from these debilitating headaches. Pounding pain, nausea, sensitivity to light and sound—the symptoms can be truly awful. But what about the strange visual

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