

La Tienda de Óptica está abierta al Público. No es necesario una cita previa para ajustes gratuitos, limpieza y reparaciones menores.

Ubicación de Medford
1333 E Barnett Rd.
Medford, OR 97504
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Ubicación de Stewart Medford
221 W Stewart Ave. #110 
Medford, OR 97501
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Ubicación de Grants Pass
881 NE 7th St.
Grants Pass, OR 97526
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Comprar gafas puede resultar abrumador. Entendemos que desea productos de calidad, una gran selección, excelente valor y atención de seguimiento experta por parte de profesionales en los que pueda confiar. Es por eso que la óptica de Medical Eye Center es claramente la elección correcta . Creemos que sus gafas deben ser cómodas, elegantes y confiables. Durante más de 100 años, hemos atendido a miles de personas que desean anteojos modernos y de calidad para el trabajo, el juego, la escuela y los deportes. Ya sea que necesite anteojos o lentes de contacto, su satisfacción es siempre nuestra primera prioridad.


Entendemos que los anteojos de calidad son una inversión en su visión saludable. Es por eso que puede contar con nuestros ópticos certificados por la Junta Estadounidense y capacitados profesionalmente para brindarle una atención personalizada y experta que superará sus expectativas. Invertimos muchas horas en programas avanzados de capacitacion y educacion, para que nuestro personal pueda brindarle la imformacion mas actualizada sobre opticas y estilos de monturas.


¿Duro con tus gafas? Apreciará nuestra garantía sin culpa. Si ocurre cualquier desgracia (que no sea pérdida o robo), repararemos o reemplazaremos sus gafas durante un año completo a partir de la compra. También proporcionaremos un reemplazo único para lentes que estén demasiado rayados para usar durante al menos un año completo. Nuestra garantía también cubre cualquier defecto en los materiales del marco o mano de obra por hasta un año.


Ofrecemos una amplia gama de marcas y productos de renombre para satisfacer sus necesidades. Podemos diseñar gafas de calidad que se ajusten a casi todos los presupuestos, desde sencillas hasta lo mejor en diseño de monturas y tecnología de lentes. Siempre proporcionaremos ajustes, reparaciones menores y reemplazos de almohadillas nasales en sus anteojos de Medical Eye Center de forma gratuita y sin necesidad de cita previa.


Puede elegir entre los principales diseñadores de gafas, incluidos Vera Wang, Nautica, Nike, Ray Ban, Tiffany & Co., Oakley y otras marcas importantes. Además, podemos crear soluciones personalizadas para uso de ordenador, música, deportes, buceo y otras actividades específicas.


En el mundo de las gafas de calidad, encontrar el par de gafas perfecto va más allá del estilo. Una pareja perfecta debe encajar y convertirse en una extensión perfecta de las necesidades de personalidad y visión. Sin embargo, encontrar esta combinación puede tener matices (y a veces ser un desafío). En Medical Eye Center, ofrecemos una gama excepcional de monturas, pero también ofrecemos tecnología de vanguardia que puede brindarles a nuestros pacientes mejores opciones. En nuestra búsqueda constante de brindar claridad y comodidad, ahora nos asociamos con ZEISS para ofrecer VISUFIT 1000.


Los anteojos vienen en una amplia gama de precios, desde $70 por anteojos básicos hasta más de $1000 por las marcas más exclusivas. Nuestro consejo es que compre sus gafas donde se sienta más seguro de la profesionalidad del óptico. conocimiento y capacidad para surtir con precisión la receta de su médico. Los ópticos acreditados de Medical Eye Center trabajan mano a mano con su oftalmólogo y ofrecemos productos de calidad que le ayudarán a ver lo mejor posible. Nuestra reputación se ha basado en esa sencilla fórmula durante más de 100 años.

Los vendedores de anteojos con descuento con frecuencia ofrecen precios bajos al comprar grandes lotes de monturas descontinuadas, no autorizadas o mal fabricadas. Debido a que estas monturas ya no se fabrican, las gafas son esencialmente desechables. Si los marcos se rompen, a menudo no se pueden reparar ni reemplazar. Las tiendas de descuento suelen utilizar lentes de policarbonato que no proporcionan la visión más clara ni la más cómoda. De manera similar, las tiendas de descuento todavía venden diseños y tecnologías de lentes que estaban obsoletos hace años.

Las garantías y garantías varían mucho según la óptica. Algunas tiendas ofrecen estos beneficios sin cargo, mientras que otras ofrecen cobertura de garantía pagando una tarifa. Medical Eye Center brinda las siguientes garantías y garantías sin costo.

GARANTÍA DE Medical Eye Center

  • Garantía de satisfacción de 30 días: Si no está satisfecho con su compra por cualquier motivo , le ofreceremos un reembolso completo a su devolución o le cambiaremos el estilo por un par de anteojos diferente en un plazo de 30 días.

  • Garantía de marco de 1 año/1 vez "sin fallas" por desgaste normal: Si sus marcos pierden funcionalidad debido al desgaste normal, los reemplazaremos sin cargo dentro de 1 año.

  • Garantía del fabricante del marco de 2 años por defectos: si se descubre que sus marcos tienen un defecto del fabricante, los reemplazaremos dentro de los 2 años.

  • 1 año/1 vez de garantía antideslumbrante y contra rayones en lentes: si los tratamientos de sus lentes se deterioran o dañan, los reemplazaremos sin cargo dentro de 1 año.

  • Garantía ilimitada de 2 años en productos de lentes premium: si sus lentes premium se deterioran o dañan, los reemplazaremos sin cargo tantas veces como sea necesario dentro de 2 años.

  • Cambio de receta médica sin cargo dentro de los 90 días: si su receta cambia dentro de los 90 días posteriores a su examen, refabricaremos sus lentes sin costo.

  • Ajustes de montura, reparaciones menores y limpiezas de cortesía proteja su inversión y mantenga sus anteojos en óptimas condiciones visitándonos para un mantenimiento regular. ¡No se necesita cita!

  • 20 % de descuento en pares adicionales dentro de los 30 días: si decide comprar pares de anteojos adicionales dentro de los 30 días posteriores a su compra inicial, recibirá un 20 % de descuento.

common optical providers


Con la disponibilidad de tantas lentes, es importante saber que está adquiriendo el mejor producto para sus necesidades particulares. En Medical Eye Center, somos expertos en asegurarnos de que sus lentes de contacto se ajusten perfectamente.


Nuestros médicos y técnicos invierten muchas horas en programas educativos y de capacitación avanzada para que sepan todo sobre las opciones de lentes de contacto más actualizadas disponibles. Así es como ofrecemos la mejor experiencia y servicio al cliente en el negocio.

Tecnología avanzada

Contamos con los materiales de lentes más avanzados y nuestro equipo de última generación ofrece la mejor evaluación de lentes de contacto posible para cada paciente.


Tenemos muchas recetas disponibles para satisfacer sus necesidades. La mayoría de los pacientes pueden salir del consultorio con un suministro de lentes de contacto para un año el mismo día de su visita. Si no tenemos sus suministros para lentes de contacto en stock, los enviaremos directamente a su hogar u oficina sin costo alguno.


Medical Eye Center es una práctica de atención oftalmológica de servicio completo. Desde recetas hasta exámenes , nos ocuparemos de todas sus necesidades en un lugar conveniente.


Nuestros precios son extremadamente competitivos. A menudo somos menos costosos que otros locales minoristas y vendedores de Internet.

Satisfacción garantizada

Si no puede adaptarse a sus lentes de contacto dentro de los 60 días, los enviaremos de regreso al fabricante para obtener un reembolso completo de los costos del material.

Los lentes de contacto ofrecen una alternativa segura y eficaz a las gafas que pueden ser más adecuadas para su estilo de vida. Los lentes de contacto son discos correctivos delgados que se adhieren a la película de lágrimas sobre la córnea. La gente disfruta de los beneficios de las lentes de contacto desde hace más de 100 años. En Medical Eye Center, somos expertos en evaluar la visión y la fisiología de su ojo para determinar qué lente de contacto es mejor para usted.

La última tecnología

Durante la última década, los avances tecnológicos han hecho que las lentes de contacto sean una opción por solo sobre cualquiera que necesite gafas. Si en el pasado le dijeron que no podía usar lentes de contacto, es muy probable que pueda usar lentes de contacto hoy. Ofrecemos una amplia variedad de opciones de lentes de contacto para satisfacer las necesidades individuales de nuestros pacientes . Seleccionar la lente de contacto adecuada para sus ojos implica varias consideraciones importantes:

Su receta

El primer paso es encontrar una lente que corrija con precisión su visión. Si las lentes de contacto son. Si no se receta correctamente, su visión no se corregirá con precisión. Debido a que sus ojos pueden cambiar con el tiempo, las recetas de lentes de contacto son válidas por un año. Su médico evaluará la salud de sus ojos anualmente para revisar la precisión de su prescripción y evaluar el ajuste de sus lentes.

Un ajuste adecuado

El lente debe ajustarse correctamente a su ojo. Para adaptarse a la amplia variedad de formas de ojos, Los lentes vienen en miles de combinaciones de diámetro y curvatura. Una lente mal ajustada , o una hecha de un material que no se adapta bien a sus ojos, podría provocar molestias, inflamación, hinchazón, abrasión u otros problemas que podrían (en casos raros) provocar daños permanentes en el tejido ocular.

Problemas médicos

Los problemas médicos también pueden afectar la elección de lentes. Por ejemplo, si sus ojos tienden a estar secos, nuestro especialista en adaptación elegirá una lente diseñada para ayudar a abordar esta afección.

Tiempo de uso

En el pasado, los usuarios de lentes de contacto se quitaban y limpiaban las lentes todas las noches. Sin embargo, con la reciente incorporación de nuevos materiales para lentes, algunos pacientes pueden usar sus lentes durante períodos prolongados de tiempo. Los lentes de uso prolongado están hechos de un material especial que generalmente se puede usar durante 7 a 30 días sin quitarlos. Sus necesidades de visión y su salud ocular determinarán si los lentes de contacto de uso diario, de uso prolongado o de uso continuo son adecuados para sus ojos.

¿Qué lente de contacto es adecuada para usted?

Encontrar la lente perfecta para sus ojos puede requerir varios intentos. Las personas reaccionan de manera diferente a diversos materiales para lentes y soluciones de limpieza. Además, la potencia, el diámetro y la curvatura correctos de su lente se pueden finalizar solo después de haber usado la lente con éxito. ¡ Estamos aquí para ayudarle con este proceso en cada paso del camino!

Hay tres tipos principales de lentes de contacto. Trabajaremos estrechamente con usted para decidir qué material es el más apropiado para su estilo de vida y necesidades individuales.

Lentes de contacto blandas

Las lentillas blandas están hechas de un plástico a base de agua similar a un gel. Las lentes blandas son los lentes de contacto más comunes que se utilizan en la actualidad.

Lentes de contacto permeables al gas

También conocidas como RGP o lentes "permeables al oxígeno", estas lentes de contacto están hechas de plásticos rígidos sin agua y son especialmente buenas para la presbicia y el astigmatismo alto.

Lentes de contacto híbridas

Estos lentes de contacto cuentan con un centro RGP con un faldón exterior suave, lo que brinda a los usuarios la óptica nítida de un lente rígido y la comodidad de un lente suave más grande.

Lentes de contacto esclerales

Las lentes de contacto esclerales reemplazan funcionalmente la córnea irregular con una superficie óptica suave para corregir los problemas de visión causados por el queratocono y otras irregularidades corneales.

Existe una variedad de diseños de lentes de contacto que pueden ayudar a corregir problemas de visión. Su médico seleccionará cuidadosamente el diseño que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades visuales.

Lentes de contacto esféricas

Lentes estándar que se utilizan para corregir la (miopía) o la (hipermetropía).

Lentes De Contacto Tóricas

Estos lentes tienen más de un ángulo de curvatura, lo que les permite corregir el astigmatismo, así como la miopía y la hipermetropía.

Lentes de contacto multifocales y bifocales

Al igual que las gafas bifocales, estas lentes contienen diferentes zonas para la visión de cerca y de lejos para corregir la presbicia, una disminución de la capacidad de enfocar que se produce a medida que el ojo envejece.

Lentes de terapia refractiva corneal (CRT)

Los lentes CRT están especialmente diseñadas para remodelar la córnea durante el sueño, lo que permite usarlas durante el día sin lentes.

Lentes de colores

Además de corregir su visión, muchas lentes de contacto también vienen en colores que pueden mejorar o cambiar el color natural de sus ojos. Solicite más información sobre opciones de lentes de contacto de colores.

¿Necesitas lentes de contacto nuevos? ¡Con nuestro Plan de Ahorros LASIK podemos ayudarle a ahorrar hasta $1000 para su procedimiento LASIK cuando esté listo! Clic aquí para saber más

Visite la página web de la Academia Estadounidense de Oftalmología sobre lentes de contacto. Lentes de contacto.

Los anteojos especiales proporcionan la mejor protección y rendimiento visual cuando se trabaja la recreación requiere visualización de tareas específicas.

Gafas para uso de computadora

Si pasa mucho tiempo frente a la pantalla de una computadora, sus ojos probablemente necesiten el apoyo de lentes de computadora. Estos anteojos especialmente diseñados incorporan filtros especiales, tintes y características antirreflectantes para ayudar a aliviar la fatiga visual causada por el uso prolongado de la computadora. Los anteojos para computadora pueden tener lentes monofocales o lentes multifocales que se corrigen para ver objetos claramente entre 18 y 30 pulgadas. de distancia, debido a que las lentes están corregidas de manera personalizada para una o dos distancias, puede ver cómodamente toda la pantalla de la computadora, lo que reduce las distorsiones, la fatiga ocular y el dolor de cuello.

Gafas de lectura

Los anteojos para leer son similares a los anteojos para computadora, pero están corregidos de manera personalizada para ver objetos a una distancia de entre 14 y 16 pulgadas. Estas gafas son ideales para lecturas prolongadas o para pasatiempos que requieren una buena visión de cerca. Se pueden usar gafas de lectura de venta libre si no tiene astigmatismo y necesita exactamente la misma corrección en ambos ojos.

Gafas deportivas

Los anteojos y antiparras deportivos son oculares ajustados con marcos resistentes y lentes de seguridad que pueden resistir el impacto de colisiones y otros eventos traumáticos. Asegúrese de contarnos sobre todas las actividades recreativas que disfruta. Existen muchos diseños, colores y tratamientos para cualquier deporte donde la seguridad sea clave.

Vidrios Industriales y Ocupacionales

Talk to us about any special or dangerous tasks you perform at work. We can customize lenses for virtually any occupational or safety requirement.

At Medical Eye Center, you can choose from a variety of the latest styles and lens technologies in both prescription and non-prescription sunglasses. We feature brands like Ray-Ban, Oakley, Maui Jim, Banana Republic, and many others.

  • Quality sunglasses include the following key elements:
  • Durability
  • Comfort
  • Sharp visual acuity
  • 100% UV protection
  • Style

When shopping for sunglasses, consider how you will be using both the frame and lens:

  • Do you want them for dress, sports or multi-purpose use?
  • Do they have the performance features you need?
  • Is the frame comfortable, lightweight and durable?
  • If you have skin allergies, is the frame hypoallergenic?
  • If they are intended for high impact use, are the lenses rated correctly?
  • Is the color and darkness appropriate to enhancing your activity and comfort?
  • Do they provide maximum UV protection?
  • What types of lens enhancements will improve your performance and comfort: i.e. polarized, photochromic, and/or anti-reflective lenses?
  • Does the sunwear provide the look and image you want to achieve?

High quality sunglasses can be found at a variety of prices. Our eyecare professionals can help you choose a great pair of sunglasses that fit your needs and your budget.

Polarized Lenses

Polarized lenses eliminate glare and ease eye stress from the sun. Polarized lenses come in a variety of colors and density options. They’re great for driving, golf, fishing, skiing, cycling, hunting and anyone who spends time on the water, on the snow, or in the sun.

Tinted Lenses

You can choose from light to very dark tinting in a rainbow of colors. Tints can be solid over the whole lens, or gradient with darker on top, fading to light or clear at the bottom.

Mirrored Lenses

These lenses not only look cool, they are cool! By providing a reflective surface that makes the eye virtually invisible to viewers, mirrored lenses also protect your eyes from heat and glare. They come in a variety of colors.

  • Have you wondered how much you spend each year on contacts?
  • Have you evaluated the cost over your lifetime?
  • Are your contacts becoming uncomfortable?

What about the lifestyle costs?

  • Do you realize how much time you spend cleaning and caring for your contacts?
  • What type of lifestyle compromises do you continue to make because of your contacts?
  • Have you ever found yourself on the road without your contact supplies?

The LASIK Procedure is not without risk, but wearing contacts has its own risks. If you consider the possibility of infection from contacts, the day-to-day hassle of contacts, and the lifetime costs of wearing contacts, maybe it’s time for LASIK?

Maybe contacts aren’t the answer?

What are you spending on contacts? It may be more than you think, and your long-term spending will almost certainly offset the cost of the LASIK Procedure. Click on the button to see how much you can save.


Are you purchasing another order of contact lenses? Are you considering LASIK in the future? With our LASIK Savings Plan we can help you save up to $1000 towards your LASIK procedure when you’re ready! Clic aquí para saber más

Call us for a Complimentary Consultation

To find out if LASIK is right for you, just call our office and schedule an complimentary consultation. We’ll be happy to answer all of your questions, you can meet your surgeon and tour our facility.

  • Ask the specialists at Medical Eye Center about the following lens options that are designed to enhance your unique lifestyle.

    Single Vision Lenses

    These lenses are intended to correct for one of the two common types of refractive error – nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia). They may also correct for astigmatism.

    Multi-focal Lenses

    These lenses correct for more than one refractive error. A common multi-focal lens is the bi-focal lens, where the upper portion of the lens is corrected for distance viewing and the lower portion of the lens is corrected for near viewing (14-20 inches). Tri-focals add a third segment that allows for intermediate viewing (20-36 inches). With traditional bi-focals and tri-focals, the near and intermediate segments are distinct, so they are often referred to as “lined” bi-focal or tri-focal lenses.

    Progressive Lenses

    Progressive lenses were developed to eliminate the lines on bi-focals and tri-focals that many patients find bothersome. Progressive lenses provide clear distance, intermediate and near vision—all with a gradual transition between the different segments. Because there are no lines, progressive lenses are often considered to be more attractive and natural than lined bi-focal or tri-focal lenses. There are over 300 brands of progressive lenses available today.

    Transitions Lenses

    Transitions™ lenses lighten and darken according to UV exposure. They offer the performance of prescription eye glasses and sunglasses in one convenient pair. Transitions lenses are now in their 5th generation, and the speed at which these lenses change color has improved dramatically. They’re also extremely effective in blocking ultraviolet radiation. Learn more at the Transitions website.

    Note: Discount retailers often sell earlier generations of Transitions lenses that are not nearly as fast or dark as the newest generation.

    Scratch-Resistance Coatings

    Scratch-resistance coatings are highly recommended and guaranteed to protect lenses from everyday wear and tear. The coating provides a harder finish to the lens, making the lens far more scratch resistant. Medical Eye Center warranties their scratch-resistant coatings for one full year—even longer in some cases.

    Anti-Reflective Coated Lenses

    Anti-reflective coatings increase functional light transmission, enhance cosmetic appearance and eliminate glare. The coating increases the optical performance of the lenses and reduces eye fatigue, particularly while viewing computer screens and driving at night. New technology has vastly improved these coatings in the past few years. Today, they are much easier to clean and perform far better than ever before. A one-year warranty is provided for these premium anti-reflective coatings.

    Ultraviolet Coating

    This is an additional lens application that blocks Ultraviolet A (UVA) and Ultraviolet B (UVB) emissions from the sun. Research suggests that UVA and UVB radiation may contribute to early cataract formation, macular degeneration, and retinal disease.

    Blue Light Filters

    While the sun is the main source of blue light, there are also many man-made sources of blue light such as compact fluorescent and LED lighting and digital devices (tablets, smartphones, laptops, and TVs). Digital devices only emit a small amount of blue light when compared to blue light exposure from the sun; however, the frequency and prolonged utilization of digital devices as well as the proximity to the eyes during use are causes for concern. Blue light exposure can cause eye strain, headaches, or blurred vision due to reduced contrast sensitivity. Blue light also suppresses melatonin and can disrupt natural sleep cycles. Though consensus within the medical community has not yet been reached, studies are being done to evaluate the impact of blue light on the macula, the part of the eye where our best vision is formed. Some studies have shown that excessive blue light exposure may contribute to macular degeneration, but further research is needed at this time.

    For the reasons noted above, Medical Eye Center recommends incorporating a blue light filter or “blue blocker” treatment to eyeglass lenses to reduce blue light exposure, both naturally occurring and man-made. Not only will a blue light filter help to create a more clear and comfortable visual experience while working with digital devices, it will help to prevent interruption of natural sleeping cycles. For optimal protection, we recommend selecting a blue light filter that also offers 100% UV protection.

  • Lens technology and materials are constantly changing. We’ll help guide you to the best possible lenses that will meet your needs.

    Plastic Lenses

    Plastic lenses were first introduced in 1962 and became more popular than glass lenses in the 1980’s. Traditional plastic lenses are slightly thicker than glass lenses, but are almost 50% lighter.

    Polycarbonate Lenses

    While these lenses are somewhat lighter and thinner than conventional plastic lenses, the optics are not as sharp. Polycarbonate lenses are commonly used by discount chains.

    Phoenix Lenses

    Phoenix© lenses are an advanced material that’s lighter and thinner than conventional plastic lenses and provide vastly superior optics than polycarbonate. Highly recommended for their impact resistance and UV protection.

    High-Index Plastic Lenses

    These lenses are lightweight, provide excellent optics, superior scratch protection, and they eliminate the “Coke-bottle” look for patients with high prescriptions. While high-index lenses are more expensive than regular plastic lenses, high-index lenses are the best option for over half of all patients when considering the weight, thickness and cosmetic appearance of your glasses.

    Glass Lenses

    Glass lenses are still available today, although they are heavier, thicker, less protective and less attractive than other types of lenses.

    Adaptive Lenses

    Adaptive lenses change in tint as the wearer changes their environment. When indoors, the lenses will become clear, when outdoors, the lenses darken. Adaptive lens technology has come a long way in recent years. Many who have had unsatisfactory experiences in the past due to lenses not being responsive enough with lighting changes or lenses not darkening at all while driving will be pleasantly surprised by the new generation of products. Adaptive lenses are now very responsive to lighting changes, are designed to darken when in the car, offer 100% UV protection and some blue light protection and come with highly desirable options such as polarization and mirror finishes.

Selecting the right eyeglass frames can be exciting, especially if you want a new look. First, your optician will help you select the frame material, size, shape and color that suits you. Next, your optician will match the frame design to your lens prescription. With thousands of styles to choose from, you’ll always find a frame you love at a price you can afford. Our selection of frames include designer lines such as:

  • Aristar
  • Banana Republic
  • Café
  • Calvin Klein
  • Carrera
  • Charmant
  • Chesterfield
  • Coach
  • Dragon
  • Europa
  • Evatik
  • Flexon
  • Jimmy choo
  • Kate Spade
  • Line Art
  • Longchamp
  • Maui Jim
  • Michael Kors
  • Modo
  • Nautica
  • Nike
  • Nine West
  • Oakley
  • Prada
  • Ray Ban
  • Safilo
  • Silver Dollar
  • Tiffany
  • Vera Wang
  • Westgroupe

Eyewear Frame Materials

Frames are usually constructed from special plastics, stainless steel, titanium and other high-tech materials. Each material varies in terms of weight, flexibility, durability and cost. In addition, rimless frames that minimize the cosmetic presence of eye glasses are also widely available.

Eyewear Frame Hinges

In addition to the traditional hinges, many eyeglass frames have spring hinges. This feature is particularly important for children and active adults. Spring hinges are more likely to flex with impact and then return to the original shape. Due to the flexibility of some materials, certain frames are designed without hinges, eliminating the possibility of losing screws and enhancing the durability of the frame.

Eyewear Frame Nose Pieces

While plastic frames usually rest directly on the nose, virtually all metal frames rest on the nose using “floating” nose pads. With nose pads, a smaller area of the frame is in contact with your nose, which may increase comfort. In addition, nose pads are easily adjustable to achieve a perfect fit.

The American Board of Opticianry is a national organization that certifies those who dispense and work with eye glasses. The successful completion and maintenance of the certification is evidence of an optician’s skill and dedication. Our American Board Certified Opticians perform many key responsibilities:

  • They’ll assist you in selecting frame styles and materials, as well as the lens designs and options that will improve your vision.
  • They’ll take key measurements in preparation of the manufacturing of the lenses, and they’ll work directly with the lab to ensure your lenses are made correctly.
  • Your eye glasses may need adjustment from time to time, if only from putting them on and taking them off. Performing repairs and adjustments without breaking the frame or lens is truly an art.
  • With their intimate understanding of optics, our opticians are expert problem solvers when you have issues with your glasses.

Tecnología avanzada

Contamos con los materiales de lentes más avanzados y nuestro equipo de última generación ofrece la mejor evaluación de lentes de contacto posible para cada paciente.


We are a full-service eye care practice. From eye exams to prescriptions, we’ll take care of all your needs in one convenient location.


We participate in numerous vision plans and insurance companies. Please bring your cards and complete vision plan information with you so that we can bill your eye exam and glasses to your insurance company.

A Consumer Guide To Eyewear

Glasses FAQs

Three reasons: quality, value, and convenience. We select top quality frames and lenses to provide you with the sharpest, most comfortable vision possible. We also work closely with your eye doctor to insure that you receive the very best optics. Our American Board Certified opticians are trained to assist you with all your vision needs. As our patient, we’re happy to provide free adjustments and minor repairs for the life of your prescription. Whenever your glasses need an adjustment, just stop by Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm and we will be happy to service your glasses at no charge. Your satisfaction is always guaranteed!
Prescription glasses can take anywhere from 3 to 10 days, depending on lens design and specialty treatments. Some of the more advanced options and digital free-form designs may take longer.
Ongoing advancements in lens technology provide more options than ever for sharper vision, reduced distortion and lighter, thinner materials. Our opticians will guide you through all the choices to find the eyewear that works best for you.
Most eyeglass prescriptions expire in one year because your eyes may change. It’s also important to have your eyes checked regularly for more serious complications. If you have a problem like glaucoma, cataracts or retinal disease, the earlier the problem is detected, the better chance of successful treatment.
We have a wide range of choices, from reliable budget eyewear to some of the finest designer frames in the world. We believe that quality eyewear should be affordable, functional and provide excellent vision. Many of our patients delight in wearing the latest designs in frames and optics, while others prefer sturdy, functional eyewear. Our opticians specialize in guiding you to eyewear that is the perfect fit for your taste and budget. Whatever you desire, we can probably save you money and help you look great at the same time!

You will benefit from an anti-reflection coating if you experience annoying glare when driving at night, playing sports or working on a computer. That’s why anti-reflection coatings are one of the most popular lens options today. We highly recommend the new HOYA EX3 coating. It provides the highest level of light transmission, which means more comfortable vision and an elegant look. This new coating offers extreme reflection protection and extreme scratch resistance—it’s more durable than glass! EX3 also features an improved hydrophobic layer, providing a finish that resists smudges, fingerprints, dirt and water.

Medical Eye Center now proudly offers all lens coating through ZEISS Vision Care is part of the larger ZEISS Group. With ZEISS Medical Technology, we cover the entire spectrum of eye health care needs during a person’s lifetime. In addition to corrective lenses, Zeiss produces the technology used by eye doctors to test, diagnose and treat eye conditions. ZEISS’s extensive expertise across various fields of optics informs the design and science behind our vision care products – including your ZEISS eyeglasses.

Yes, because it will help us ensure a perfect fit. If necessary, we do have frame tracers that enable you to keep wearing your frame while waiting for new lenses. Keep in mind that it’s important to have a pair of back-up glasses in case of emergency. So if your doctor is prescribing new lenses, now might be the perfect time to start using your current pair of glasses as a back-up.

As with most products and services, you usually get what you pay for. The market is literally flooded with cheap eye glasses. There are “knock off” frames pretending to be quality brands and fake sunglasses as well. In some cases, only the advertised item is lower in price—and that item is not usually the highest quality. Options you may need to achieve your best possible vision are often priced higher, or not available at all. In the end, you could end up purchasing eyewear that won’t work well for you.

Incorrectly interpreted prescriptions or lenses that are improperly manufactured could reduce your visual acuity or even damage your vision. Lenses that do not meet impact standards can be hazardous to wear at work or while playing certain sports. Likewise, prescription sunglasses that fail to protect against ultraviolet radiation can damage your vision, because UV rays contribute to macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinal disease.

At Medical Eye Center, we believe it’s important to buy from trusted eyewear professionals. Inferior prescription lenses and sunglasses come with serious potential problems. You don’t have to buy the most expensive glasses. It pays, however, to make a well-informed decision. Protect your healthy vision with quality eyewear. It will save you time, money, and peace of mind.

When you choose Medical Eye Center, your frames have been crafted with the highest quality materials, and your lenses have been made with the most technologically advanced and durable treatments available. Your new frames are guaranteed against breakage, during normal use, for one full year from date of purchase. Lenses, if scratched and unwearable, will be replaced one time at no cost to you within one year of purchase. If you select EX-3 anti-reflective coating on your eyeglass lenses, your warranty is extended to 2 years. This warranty does not cover loss, theft, or minor scratches and chips which have no effect on your vision. This is a one-time only policy and the lens will be replaced with the original prescription.

It is very important to keep a back-up pair of glasses with your current prescription in the event you cannot wear your contacts for health reasons. When you purchase your contact lenses at Medical Eye Center, you are entitled to discounts on prescription glasses and sunglasses. When traveling, it’s always important to have a back-up option, just in case.

We participate with VSP and many other vision and insurance plans. Most plans provide some reimbursement for eye glasses, but rarely cover the complete cost. It’s a good idea to check with your insurance company before your exam in order to understand your vision benefits.

We would be happy to call and have your prescription faxed to us. You’ll just need to sign a records release form in accordance with patient privacy regulations.

We provide you with a high quality protective case, special lens cleaner and a premium chamois cleaning cloth to protect your eyewear investment.

No, the amount of UV protection is not dependent on lens darkness. Some lightly tinted lenses can block 100% of UV rays. Darker lenses, however, may provide greater comfort depending on the light sensitivity of your eyes.

During the day, absolutely! The right sunglasses offer clearer, safer and more comfortable vision while driving by reducing glare and improving visibility. Wearing sunglasses during the day also allows your eyes to adapt to the dark more quickly.

Light is made up of waves that travel in different directions. Vertical light helps us see and is useful to the human eye. Horizontal light, however, creates glare. Glare is concentrated light that’s reflected off a shiny horizontal surface, such as water, snow, glass, or the blacktop on roads. It reduces visibility and makes your vision difficult, uncomfortable—and possibly dangerous—as you drive, cycle, ski, or even just sunbathe.

Polarized sunglasses block virtually all glare. The vertically-aligned polarizing layer inside a polarized lens doen’t allow horizontal light to pass through. Driving is safer with polarized lenses, because when drivers can see clearly, they react more quickly to everyday driving hazards. With this anti-glare property, you can wear polarized lenses every day and enjoy all your activities in safety and comfort.

Spending long periods outdoors without proper eye protection can lead to skin cancer on the eyelids and around the eyes. It can also contribute to damage and diseases such as cataracts. And since ultra-violet light is scattered around the sky, staying out of direct sunlight does not fully protect you. Polarized sunglasses consistently surpass all international safety standards for protection against UVA, UVB and UVC radiation.

Different lifestyles, occupations, and activities require different frames and lens features. Matching your needs with the right kind of eyewear not only increases your comfort and protects your vision, it can also enhance your performance in daily activities or on the job.

Contacts FAQs

At Medical Eye Center you’ll feel confident you’re getting the best contact lenses for your eyes. We research and compare products for you, and we strive to give you the best price on annual supplies with money saving rebates and promotions. We’ll ship your lenses to your home or office for free. Throughout the year, we’ll provide emergency back-up lenses at no charge. You can also exchange unopened contact lenses boxes—as long as they meet manufacturer’s return policy, generally within one year of expiration date with no marks or damage to the boxes.
The two most common wear schedules are a monthly lens that is taken out each night, or a daily lens that is inserted in the morning and thrown away at the end of the day. There are also extended wear lenses made from special materials that can typically be worn for 7 to 30 days without removal. (Keep in mind there is always a risk in sleeping with contacts—even in those that are labeled for this use.) Your vision needs and eye health will determine whether daily wear, monthly wear, or continuous wear contacts are right for your eyes.
Selecting the right contact lens for your eyes involves two important considerations. After a thorough eye exam, the first step is to find a lens that accurately corrects your vision. If contact lenses are not properly prescribed, your vision won’t be accurately corrected. Next, the correct power, diameter and curvature of your lens will need to be determined. A poorly fit lens could result in discomfort, inflammation, swelling, abrasion, or other problems that could (in rare cases) result in eye tissue damage. Keep in mind that finding the perfect lens for your eyes may take several tries.
Because your eyes can change over time, contact lens prescriptions are valid for one year. Your doctor will evaluate the health of your eyes annually to review accuracy of your prescription and evaluate the fit of your lenses.
We have many trial lenses in our office and most patients leave the office on the day of their visit with a set of contacts (or even an annual supply). If your lens is not in stock, we can sign you up for our convenient online ordering system and ship your annual supply to your home or office at no extra charge.
When you order an annual supply of contact lenses, you’ll also receive:
  • Special online pricing on certain lenses.
  • Complimentary shipping to your home or office.
  • Discounts on select sunglasses and back-up eye glasses.