Frequently Asked Questions
It’s natural to have questions about your eye care options and what to expect from your treatment. You bring the questions, we’ll bring the answers.
Start here, with some of our most commonly asked questions about popular vision enhancement procedures and eyewear options. Still have questions? Simply reach out to us and we’ll be happy to assist you.
We recommend a routine vision exam every year. School age children and those over 65 years old should have their vision evaluated annually, as the eyes frequently change during these times. Contact lens wearers and those with certain medical conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure should also see us every year. Many serious eye diseases have no early symptoms and require early treatment to prevent loss of vision. By scheduling an annual screening, you give your eyes the best chance of staying healthy and clear. Learn more about routine eye exams.
Frequently Asked Questions About LASIK
When considering LASIK vision correction, it’s important to know that blade-free LASIK is the only FDA-approved, all-laser procedure. Quite simply, it’s the world’s safest, most advanced vision-correcting technology available today, giving you customized results for your best possible vision. Learn more about the blade-free LASIK procedure.
At Medical Eye Center, we want you to get the best care for your eyes, regardless of cost. We offer several payment options to help you achieve your best possible vision, and a convenient payment plan lets you begin your procedure immediately, then pay for it with monthly payments that fit easily into your budget. When considering the cost of glasses and contacts, LASIK is an investment in that will pay for itself over time. Learn more about the cost of LASIK vs. contact lenses.
1. How Much Does LASIK Cost?
2. Affordable Financing
3. LASIK vs. Contacts Calculator
Frequently Asked Questions About Refractive Lens Exchange
Frequently Asked Questions About Cataract Surgery
As part of the normal aging process, the lens of the eye starts to harden and becomes less clear. As a result, the lens becomes less able to focus light properly causing increasingly dull, cloudy or blurry vision. Other contributing factors to the onset of cataracts are diseases like Diabetes, trauma, medications and sun exposure.
Usted y su médico determinarán juntos el curso de tratamiento adecuado para sus cataratas antes de que su visión se vea afectada dramáticamente. Tener cataratas no se considera una emergencia, por lo que puede tomarse un tiempo para determinar cuándo la cirugía es adecuada para usted.
In addition to Standard Intraocular Lens Implants, we offer several types of Custom Intraocular Lens Implants that can help improve distance vision, reading vision, and everything in between. You and your surgeon will discuss your goals and lifestyle preferences and you will have some testing to determine the specific measurements of your eyes. With this information, your surgeon can tell you which lenses you are a candidate for and help you choose the implant that will work best for you.
Medicare covers the basic level of cataract surgery with a Standard Intraocular Lens Implants. Medicare does not consider Custom Intraocular Lens Implants to be medically necessary, so you will be responsible for the portion Medicare doesn’t cover.
Your outpatient procedure will be performed in our surgery center that is devoted exclusively to surgical treatment of the eye. Your eye will be dilated and numbed and a small incision will be made. Your surgeon will then insert an instrument that uses ultrasound to break up and remove the cataract. Afterwards the new intraocular lens you discussed with your surgeon is placed into your eye. The surgery is typically not painful, though we do have anesthesia providers on our team to ease your comfort during the procedure.
La cirugía de cataratas es un procedimiento muy común y las complicaciones son raras. Si se encuentra una complicación durante la cirugía, su cirujano puede tomar medidas adicionales para corregir el problema y/o es posible que deba regresar para recibir tratamiento de la complicación. Tendrá varias visitas posoperatorias para controlar su progreso después de la cirugía y ayudar a garantizar que se aborden las posibles complicaciones
No, una catarata no puede regresar una vez que se extirpa con cirugía. Sin embargo, su ojo puede desarrollar una opacidad capsular posterior con el tiempo, lo que significa que las membranas detrás del implante se han vuelto turbias. Esto se puede remediar rápidamente con un procedimiento de capsulotomía con láser para limpiar la visión.
Le darán gotas para prevenir infecciones y ayuda en el proceso de recuperacion después de cirugía. Su visión se verá afectada durante el proceso de curación y es posible que experimente la sensación de tener algo en el ojo o algún ligero ardor. Esto, junto con cualquier enrojecimiento, es normal y desaparecerá a medida que su ojo comienza a sanar.
Frequently Asked Questions about Contact Lenses
When you order an annual supply of contact lenses, you’ll also receive:
- Special online pricing on certain lenses.
- Complimentary shipping to your home or office.
- Discounts on select sunglasses and back-up eye glasses.
Frequently Asked Questions About Eyeglasses
As with most products and services, you usually get what you pay for. The market is literally flooded with cheap eye glasses. There are “knock off” frames pretending to be quality brands and fake sunglasses as well. In some cases, only the advertised item is lower in price—and that item is not usually the highest quality. Options you may need to achieve your best possible vision are often priced higher, or not available at all. In the end, you could end up purchasing eyewear that won’t work well for you.
Incorrectly interpreted prescriptions or lenses that are improperly manufactured could reduce your visual acuity or even damage your vision. Lenses that do not meet impact standards can be hazardous to wear at work or while playing certain sports. Likewise, prescription sunglasses that fail to protect against ultraviolet radiation can damage your vision, because UV rays contribute to macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinal disease.
At Medical Eye Center, we believe it’s important to buy from trusted eyewear professionals. Inferior prescription lenses and sunglasses come with serious potential problems. You don’t have to buy the most expensive glasses. It pays, however, to make a well-informed decision. Protect your healthy vision with quality eyewear. It will save you time, money, and peace of mind.