
Benefits of UPNEEQ® for Low-Lying Lids

If you’re experiencing low-lying lids, you understand the emotional and physical toll they can take. Low-lying lids (also known as blepharoptosis) can make individuals appear perpetually tired or older than their actual age. Luckily, there are treatments available to address this issue. UPNEEQ® is a state-of-the-art, topical medication that effectively revitalizes the eyelids, giving you a more lifted and youthful look.

What is Blepharoptosis/Low-Lying Lids?

Low-lying lids (can also be known as acquired blepharoptosis) is characterized by having a low-lying upper eyelid when and individual is looking straight ahead. One study found that it is as common in older adults (over the age of 50) as 11.5% (source). Numerous factors, including age, genetics, medical conditions, and eye infections, can cause it. Unfortunately, only 15% of patients are properly diagnosed because of a lack of knowledge about the condition (U.S. Census, 2020). Usually, patients report symptoms such as:

Asymmetry: One eyelid droops more than the other, resulting in eyes that appear uneven.
Tired appearance: The drooping eyelids can make the eyes look tired or sleepy even when the person is well-rested.
Difficulty applying makeup: The drooping eyelid can make it challenging to apply makeup evenly on both eyes.
Vision challenges: In severe cases, the drooping eyelid can obstruct the field of vision, causing vision fatigue from raising the eyebrows.
Forehead wrinkles: To compensate for the drooping eyelid, some individuals tend to raise their eyebrows more frequently, resulting in significant forehead wrinkles.

How can UPNEEQ® Rejuvenate the Appearance?

UPNEEQ® (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution) is a prescription eyedrop used for treating low-lying lids. It works by causing the Muller’s muscle in the eyelid to contract and thus raise the eyelid line. It is easy to administer, and patients will use it one drop at a time, like regular lubricating eyedrops. It’s important to note that low-lying lids can be congenital or acquired. Congenital (present from birth) cannot be treated with UPNEEQ® but acquired (including age-related) low-lying lids is treatable with this option.

There are also other treatment options, including surgery and injectables. Typically, surgical techniques include tightening the muscles that control the eyelids or removing the excess skin. Alternately, injecting products containing botulinum toxins (such as Botox or Dysport) can help tighten sagging skin and provide enough lift to alleviate symptoms. Depending on the severity and the root cause (congenital or acquired blepharoptosis), you’ll need to consult your provider to determine the best course of action for your specific need. At Renew Medical Spa, we currently offer multiple treatment options so that every patient feels informed and proactive about their treatment plan.

Who is an ideal candidate for UPNEEQ®?

If you’ve been diagnosed with acquired blepharoptosis and are not yet ready to seek surgery, these eyedrops may help restore your confidence in your appearance.

If you’re a patient who has a blood-pressure condition, heart disease, or an immune system disorder such as Sjögren’s syndrome, you should use caution when using UPNEEQ®, as well as patients who have angle-closure glaucoma (increased eye pressure due to fluid buildup). Lastly, this treatment may not be right for you if you are currently taking anti-depressants, beta-blockers, or an alpha-adrenergic agonist medication to treat heart disease or an enlarged prostate. As with any new treatment you try, you should consult your provider to discuss your medical history and esthetic goals.

Right now at Renew Medical Spa, we are offering a discount on each box purchased of UPNEEQ®, and entering each purchase into a drawing to win an additional box of eye drops. Contact us today to schedule your appointment, or call 1-800-824-2688

*UPNEEQ® can help individuals feel more confident and improve their overall appearance. If you are experiencing the symptoms of blepharoptosis, consider consulting with an esthetic provider to see if UPNEEQ® may be the ideal fit for you.



*Special offers are valid until 04/14/23 and may not be combined with other offers or discounts. Gift with purchase available while supplies last.


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