
Planning Your Travel Eye Care Routine

Do you love to travel and explore new places, but find yourself struggling with eye discomfort or irritation? Whether you’re hopping on a plane, embarking on a road trip, or simply taking a weekend getaway, it’s important to prioritize your eye health and care while on the go. In this blog, we’ll share some essential tips and tricks to help you maintain your eye health and comfort while traveling. 

Make sure that you pack your eye care essentials:

One common mistake travelers make is forgetting a component of their eye care routine. Be sure to create a packing list that you can refer to often and even replicate for each trip. Although your needs will vary, our Medical Eye Center team recommends packing these items:

  • Prescription glasses or contact lenses
  • Contact cleaner and storage, plus a backup pair of lenses if possible.
  • Any medication or eyedrops (including eyedrops for dry eyes)
  • Sunglasses and any other sun protection such as sunscreen and a hat.
  • The contact information for your eye care provider and vision insurance, in case of an emergency. Although we understand you may not be geographically close to your provider while
  • traveling, it’s good to have this handy.
  • If you’ll be using screens heavily, a pair of blue-light-blocking glasses. 

Consider the climate:

Depending on where you are heading on your summer travels, the varying climates can take a toll on your eyes. In dry climates, use lubricating eye drops to keep your eyes moist and prevent irritation is great for eye care. In humid climates, be mindful of the increased risk of eye infections and bring along a clean cloth to wipe away any sweat or moisture around your eyes. When in areas with high levels of UV rays, wear sunglasses with 100% UV protection to shield your eyes from harmful radiation. One of the primary concerns when traveling to warm locations is the impact on eye dryness, so lubricating eyedrops can be a welcome reprieve.

Take frequent breaks:

If you’re driving or flying for an extended period, take breaks from looking at screens to give your eyes a rest. One effective technique is the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This will help reduce eye strain and keep your eyes feeling fresh. Likewise, if you are on a road trip, be sure to pull over or make stops to give your eyes a break without risking safety on the road.

Get enough sleep while traveling:

Lack of sleep can cause dry, red, and irritated eyes, as well as blurred vision and sensitivity to light. When traveling, it can be tempting to skimp on sleep to pack in as much sightseeing or adventure as possible, but doing so can have negative consequences on your eye health and overall well-being. To ensure that you get enough rest while traveling, make sleep a priority and plan your itinerary accordingly. It’s recommended to aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help your eyes recover from the strain of traveling. To ensure a good night’s sleep, try to establish a consistent sleep schedule, avoid using electronic devices before bedtime, and create a comfortable sleep environment by using earplugs, an eye mask, or other relaxation techniques.

Taking care of your eyes while traveling is crucial to maintaining good eye health. If you have an upcoming trip, we would be happy to schedule a visit with you to help you feel confident about your travel eye care routine. If it’s been a while since you’ve seen your eye doctor, we can also get you set up with one of our expert providers here at Medical Eye Center to update your vision prescription. From protecting your eyes in different climates to getting enough sleep, there are plenty of ways to ensure your eyes stay healthy and comfortable during your travels.  



